Saturday, December 10, 2011


Over a week ago I dropped off Maddie the foster dog at the shelter (who by the way did get adopted rather quickly) and as  I was walking out the door I was flagged down and asked to take in Max the Toxic Foster Cat.  He needed extra help getting over his cold that the shelter couldn't give. With the "sucker" burning bright on my forehead how could I say no? 

Max the Toxic Foster Cat

Every time he sneezed a snot tsunami came raining down.  I got a face full of it a time or two.  That's just gross.  Well after a week of meds and a vaporizer he is now all better, no need for a hazmat suit.  He breathes through is nose and sleeps in my lap. 

I did not tell my kittehs that Max is here, however they sort of figured it out when they heard him meowing for attention through the door.  I think I might be in trouble.

Angry Baelor

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