Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Predictions from 1911.....

Below is an article printed in the 1900's in the Ladies Home Journal that provided predictions of what will happen in the next 100 years.  You can't see it here but click the link for a better view.

Topics to note:

Americans will be taller:  because we will live in the "burbs" and transportation into the city will cost only a penny!

No Mosquitoes or flies:  they also included roaches in this.  Alas this is never to be.

There will be no C, X or Q in the alphabet: Maybe if they had eliminated the mosquitoes perhaps this would have happened.

How children will be taught:  Etiquette and housekeeping would be included in their studies.  Imagine not being able to watch "Hoarders" today! I guess this was scrapped because they were planning on eliminating "Q".


Anonymous said...

...and some of it they got right too, hovercrafts, missiles, intensive growing in glass houses.



Daddy Papersurfer said...

Most people seem to be taller nowadays when they're lying down ... or is it just me?

Barbara said...

*hugs Daddy P*

I find that when I'm laid out somewhere everyone seems taller when they are standing.

Barbara said...

Hi SP...and they got wireless communications around the world! Those people were very smart back then. I wonder sometimes if we are as smart today. I couldn't win a spelling bee without spell check.


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