Sunday, January 22, 2012

Exercise dilemma

Trying to catch up on my reading, I came across an article that talked about what you can do to burn off 1,000 calories worth of chocolate (put me within a 10 miles radius of plain M&M's and it can happen). 

You can:

Go bowling for 5 hours - That's fine but what about all the cheese nachos and beer I consume?

Walk for 3 hours - Send me to a shopping mall. I wonder what they have in the food court?

Wash dishes for 7 hours - Not a problem as long as my dishwasher holds out.  7 hours straight might wear it out.

Climb stairs for 2 - Nope.  Heard a nasty story once about walking up stairs so I couldn't do it.  It had to do with boogers on the hand rail. 

Do aerobics for 2 -  I get winded just reaching for the remote. I wonder if I can watch a video for two hours?  

I will be glad when January is over and they stop talking about all the New Year's delusions resolutions tips and start telling us which chocolate is best for Valentine's Day! 


Daddy Papersurfer said...

Exercise is very bad for you #fact

[Ooooo, word verification 'gatto', an alternative spelling of gateau - if that isn't a sign I don't know what is]

Anonymous said...

Laughung Boy and I are on a's agony.


Barbara said...

It is agony. Tell me not to eat something and that's when I want it more. Oddly, it doesn't work with veggies.

Barbara said...

It IS a sign. I must eat cake now.


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