Thursday, October 6, 2011

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. The power of words

The title is a children's rhyme.  Kids would call each other names, usually bad, and the recipient of the words would chant that back to show it didn't bother them.  Well it bothered me.  I hated being called fat, stupid, ugly and four eyes.  It hurt deep inside even though I yelled that chant back at the top of my lungs. 

A few years ago I read The Hidden Messages in Water by Dr. Masrau Emoto.  This book was based on his research of how words can affect water and since humans are made up of about 70% water, how it can also affect us.

Basically, Dr. Emoto subjected water to words and sounds then caught the reaction of the water molecules through his microscope (I am sure it is a lot more complicated than what I am saying).

The results were eye opening:

I have always been sensitive to words, how they are said; in tone as well as content.  As I read this book it reaffirmed to me that words do have an impact on others and this world.  So we have a choice of what imprint we want to leave behind; words of love and encouragement or words of anger and criticism.
I came across this book today as I was cleaning out my bookshelf and thought it was something good to remind myself of; to be mindful of what words I choose to say not only to myself but to others.  I want to leave behind the most beautiful snowflake on someones soul that they have ever felt.

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