Sunday, February 5, 2012

I Pledge Not to Watch TV....

Day One:

Waking on Saturday, I grabbed my diet Dr. Pepper and headed to the living room where I plopped on the couch and turned on the TV.  After about ten minutes a commentator came on to speak about the election.  Then it dawns on me....I haven't anything good for breakfast.  As I sit there wondering what to eat, the commentator drones on and on and on.  Then I remembered my pledge.  I turned off the tube and didn't know what to do.  Perhaps I can only think of what to have for breakfast while the TV is blaring.  I go back to bed. 

Unable to fall back to sleep I get dressed and go to the grocery store.  After buying out the store (never go grocery shopping when you are hungry) I head out to the car only to see the rain. A monsoon....more like a torrential downpour.  I have no umbrella because I didn't know it was going to rain.  I wait.  10 minutes later its still raining and I am digging through the bags to see what else I can eat. 

I make a run for it.  My groceries and I are soaked.  Seems it was a bad time to be environmentally conscious and request paper bags. Turns out there was a big storm forecast for the day which I might have known if only I watched the news.

What did the pioneer folks do before TV?  How did they figure out if it was a good day to ride into town for supplies?  Never the less, I will continue on with my pledge.  No TV. 

CRAP! Today is the Super Bowl!  How am I to watch the funny commericals?!

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